Thursday, January 19, 2012

Dance Team!

         Yesterday started on good note.  Leyla’s black jazz shoes came in and they fit her!!   It is the little things in life that make me happy.  I had a smile from ear to ear on my way to work while I was jamming out to music in my car.  As if my day couldn’t get any better I felt like I won the lottery when I also found out that the girls were not going to have to wear their pony tail extension piece for this competition.   Oh yeah!!   The hair issue is now a concern in the past, or so I thought.  I was talking to RL, one of the dance moms, and she bought up that there is a new competition hair style.  I immediately thought “Oh boy I know this day seem too good to be true.” Every year April chooses a new hair style for all the girls to wear to competition.     Last year the competition hair style was a simple front tweet and a low pony.  It may have been simple but I never did figure out that hair style; lucky for Leyla one of the older girls on the dance team came to my rescue and did it for me.  Leyla had mentioned the new competition hair style over the phone the other night and was very excited about it.  I couldn’t help but tune her out when she used the words braid, twisting and bun in one sentence (actually it is braid, right twist, bun, then a peacock thing) .  RL’s description of the new competition hair style put a stormy rain cloud on my sunny day. 

When Leyla and I arrived at the studio last night April was going to give a demonstration on how to do the hair style.  I some how missed the email that went out with a YouTube Video tutorial on how to style the competition du.  I didn’t realize that we were going to actually have to do the competition hair on our own child that night. “Opps” I had to ask another mother for bobby pins and hair ties.  My first attempt doing Leyla’s hair failed miserably. It wasn’t until after my 2nd attempt also failed that I started to panic a little as I looked around the room at the other moms and they were not having nearly as much of a problem.  “What the hell was wrong with me??”  When I was a child on a dance team we didn’t have competition hair styles.  My mom would put my head on ironing broad and iron my hair straight.  Then she would roll my hair in rollers, not the soft rollers but the big hard rollers, and send me to bed.  I would complain that I couldn’t sleep with rollers in my hair and her response was alsways “Beauty knows no pain.”    Ask me if it was worth the pain??  Yes, yes it was!!   I could feel Leyla’s frustration with me; which made things worse.  She gave me that look, you know that daughter to mother look that screams out “Really, Really mom?”  If she only knew that when I was a child and I practiced hairstyles on my Barbie they all ended with bad hair cuts that some may consider to be um... bald .  Don't ask.  I didn’t think it was good time to share that little story with Leyla…I’ll just wait until after the competition...or until she is 16.    Sasha’s mother must have felt sorry for me because she ended up doing Leyla’s hair, and I have to admit, that when the hair is done right it’s beautiful!!  

                Braid, twist right, bun, then peacock thingy

P.S . NO, I HAVE NOT FINISHED THE RHINESTONES!!!!! But my absolutely wonderful boyfriend set everything for me on a craft table.....but he forgot to setup more than one chair.
P.P.S. The names of people referenced in this Blog have been changed to protect the innocent, the not so innocent, and the hapless bystanders. = )
Dancing Leyla

                Dancing Sasha

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